What we do: Reaching People though horses for Christ
Why we do it: Fellowship means to be a friend, and to be a friend of God you must know Him, Obey His commands, and live by His Truth.
Cornerstone Fellowship Ministry is a Christian non-profit ministry working through horses to help other walk in the Light of Jesus Christ. Stephanie White and Greta Cummings founded the ministry and formed the 501(c)(3) in 2012. Their shared passion for knowledge of the Bible, following God wholeheartedly and horses brought them together and inspired this "idea" to form a ministry. God has been leading and guiding Stephanie and Greta ever since.
Join us for time of Fellowship, Mentoring and learning more about God's wonderful creation of the horse.
How does Cornerstone Fellowship Ministry Operate?
Our goal, when this ministry was founded, is to not charge for any of our programs as we did not want money to be a hindrance. Horses were such a huge part of both Stephanie's and Greta's youth and their desire is to give others the same opportunity. CFM is 100% supported by private donations, and we would certainly appreciate your donations as well. You can donate by mailing us a donation to the address on our Contact Page.
How do I get involved in a program?
To get involved in one of our youth programs we ask that you fill out a CFM Youth Application. You can do this by clicking the link below:

Describe your image here

Describe your image here
Virtuous Cowgirls
Exclusive for 7th-12th grade girls. Meets weekly year round Mentoring young women in the way of Virtue.
God's Tenderfoot
The Tenderfoot program meets once a month and is for girls and boys going into 7th-12th grade Preparing today's youth to stand firm on the Truth of God.

Created Cowpokes
Created Cowpokes is for girls and boys going into 3rd-6th grade. A one-day day camp during the summer, planting the seed to continue in the way of the Lord. It's like VBS with horses!
Equine Assisted Learning & Psychotherapy
Are you looking for an activity to do as a group?
Perhaps for a family reunion, church group outing, co-worker team building, or any other group. Also great for individuals and families. No horse knowledge necessary!